Plascon Box Liners Protect & Preserve your harvest

Farm Life: The Secret to Fresher Produce & Extended Shelf Life

Harvest, Transport, and Storage with Plascon Box Liners

Box liners protect against dust and pests during transit and storage

When it comes to agriculture, we all know that handling harvested produce efficiently and safely is the name of the game. From the moment those crops are gathered to their journey on trucks and their spot in storage and stores, it's crucial to maintain optimal conditions and keep that quality intact. And guess what? Plascon box liners have come to the rescue! Our Box Liners offer a protective barrier with many benefits for the agricultural industry. Let's dive in and see how they make a real difference.

harvest blog 2023

Preserving Quality

Harvest is in full swing, and those crops are at their peak and most nutritious state. That's where Plascon box liners save the day. Acting as a shield to keep your produce safe from dirt, dust, and pests.  Liners create a barrier that fights off spoilage, so your fruits and veggies can stay fresh, crisp, and market-ready.

Smooth Sailing on the Transportation Highway

Plascon box liners are produced to meet the highest standards. They help to ensure that your fruits and veggies reach their destination safe and sound, without any bruising, oxidation, or other mishaps that could ruin their quality. A simple but effective hero of the agricultural transportation world, ensuring your crops arrive in top-notch condition.

Storage Done Right, the Plascon Way

With Plascon box liners, you can rest easy knowing that your fruits and veggies are safe and sound. These liners minimize the risk of spoilage, giving your crops an extended shelf life. Say goodbye to unnecessary waste and hello to better planning and management of your agricultural supply chain. Plascon box liners are the secret weapon for keeping your produce fresher for longer.

Standard and Custom Sizes Available

Plascon box liners are available in various stock sizes, colors and thicknesses, making them suitable for a wide range of crops and containers. We also offer custom sizes, whether it's a small crate of delicate berries or a larger container holding bulk produce, these liners can be tailored to meet specific requirements.

Let's not forget about sustainability. Plascon box liners are recyclable and a biodegradable blend is available, promoting a greener agricultural industry. Plascon box liners fit perfectly with the growing demand for more sustainable practices in farming and food distribution. It's a win-win for you and Mother Nature!

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