Plascon Group Blog

When Will We See the Return of Trade Shows?

Written by Dave Daenzer | April 1, 2021

Will the vaccination rate determine when you would return to a trade show?


Millions and millions of vaccines have been administered, and very soon they will be available to anyone who wants one. So, we need to ask, will trade shows return back to the normal way of networking for your business?

 Dave Sebastain from The Wall Street Journal reported on March 13th , “the $11 billion U.S. trade-show and exhibition industry is slowly coming back to life after a largely lost year due to coronavirus. A full recovery isn’t expected for about two years, industry executives say, and many questions now face organizers and the businesses that rely on lanyard-clad masses. Trade shows require months of planning, and are the attendees ready to crowd into the expo hall, and after a year of remote networking, do they feel they need to?”

 The sales and customer service team here at Plascon all agree that the trade show industry will need to setup differently than they did pre-Covid. No more wall to wall carpet covering every inch of the large expo floor. Hand sanitizer stations everywhere. Larger and more spacious booths, temperature checks upon entry, and a mask mandate for everyone on the show floor.

Until we return to the showroom floor, we are here to assist and answer your questions for our line of food grade flexible packaging.  Whether you are shopping for box liners (including biodegradable options) to protect your product during transit or storage, are interested in learning the Cook Chill method of cooking for your restaurant (starter sets available!), or you want to learn how Saftea® Liner tea urn liners can help save time, and maximize sanitation for your beverage program, contact us to learn how we can help you find the best packaging solution for your products.

 Eventually, trade shows will come back, but it will take some time to regain the confidence of the attendees and the exhibitors too. So tell us, when do you plan on attending the next trade show?