Box Liners for Storing & Transporting your Harvest
Small organic farms are sprouting up all over the country, and filling the demand of customers who want to purchase produce without any pesticides while supporting farms that practice responsible growing techniques. Plascon is proud to partner with these farming communities to provide alternate eco-friendly box liner packaging solutions that keep their produce fresh, and ready for transport.
Meet is our newest customer, Colab Farms, whose moto is “REAL FOOD GROWN CLEAN”.
"At Colab Farms, we grow food that’s healthy for our patrons and our Earth. We are dedicated to growing honest produce without chemical pesticides and practicing environmentally responsible growing techniques."

Colab Farms further states that they "promise and are committed to finding the most eco-friendly ways to grow our produce. Our hydroponic methods give our produce a year-round growing season while reducing strain on the environment." You can follow Colab Farms on their facebook page here.
Because of the size of harvest, some farmers only need a case or two of biodegradable liners, rather than truck load quantities. These local organic farmers want to purchase packaging that is biodegradable and supports their own eco-friendly practices.

Plascon is pleased to assist in this endeavor by supplying biodegradable box liners for their produce, providing valuable protection during storage and transport, while at the same time providing an earth-friendly packaging solution that aids in their mission statement. Plascon has been working with small farms all across the country, by offering biodegradable liners in lesser quantities to meet their harvest needs. As a blown films manufacturer, we have full control over our films, and bags to meet your specifications. Custom sizing also available.
Want to learn more about our biodegradable packaging solutions? Talk to us about your requirements and our specialists will find the best solutions to fit your specific needs.