When should you plant your garden?
Spring Planting Based on USDA Hardiness Zones
March is the perfect month to start the transition into your garden or fields based on your agricultural zone. Spring will officially arrive on March 20th for the northern hemisphere. Please see the zone map as provided by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) below.

In our warmest areas, USDA zones 9-11, the warming temperatures have arrived. For these zones planting has begun! For USDA zones 7-8, the preparation for spring planting can begin this month as well. However, sowing the soil and transplanting should hold off due to the risk of cold weather still in the realm of possibility. Zones 3,4,5, and 6 should stay out of the garden this month as the cold temperatures are still a threat. Here in Traverse City, Michigan (zones 5-6) we are still seeing snow on the ground so outdoor planting is not on the radar quite yet.
Cool weather crops are some of the earliest seeds that can be sown as they are more hardy and can withstand some light frost without damage. If residing in zones 9-11 here is a list of some cool season vegetables that can be planted now or very soon based on your last frost date:
- Beets
- Beans
- Carrots
- Eggplant
- Kale
- Onions
- Potatoes
- Radishes
- Spinach
It is important to keep in mind that winter temperatures in zone 10 can still drop to 30°F; in zone 9 winter lows may drop to 20°F.
Also, fruit trees and berries are now in bloom in zones 9-11. This is a great time to fertilize trees and vines.

At Plascon we are happy to be available for any zone and any stage your fresh produce and crops may be in. Plascon’s box and bin liners are the perfect accessory to a successful growing and harvest season. Our liners play a crucial role in protecting your produce and crops from contamination and damage. The liners are also a great time-saving solution to cleaning bins and boxes with each use resulting in higher efficiency. Please reach out today for more information and request free samples. We look forward to speaking with you!