Why You Should be Using Saftea® Liner Tea Urn Liners
Restaurants, how clean and fresh is the iced tea that you serve?
If you are in the restaurant, catering or other public food service business, food safety is always at the forefront of your daily operations. Cleaning, sanitizing, and serving only the freshest food and beverages is paramount to staying in business and keeping your customers coming back for more. When it comes to your tea urn dispensers, are you taking the same care and attention to make sure harmful bacteria is eliminated? Saftea® Liner ensures cleaner, safer, and better tasting iced tea with each sip.
As restaurant owners and managers, you rely on your staff to follow proper cleaning procedures to keep your business running. If you have iced tea urns in your restaurant, you likely wash out the urns daily, and believe that any risk ends there. However, where tea is concerned, are you aware of the natural inclination to develop mold and bacteria? It’s true. Tea is prone to mold when left standing for too long, or when the dispenser is not thoroughly cleaned. If you are not dismantling your spigot/ faucet each and every time, and cleaning and sanitizing with a wire brush, then you may be shocked at what you see when you finally take a look inside.
The faucet area of your tea urn presents a high risk of mold and bacteria, if not cleaned daily. Studies have shown that in as little as 2 hours after brewing, mold, bacteria and fungus grow on the walls of iced tea urns, and inside of the spigots. If you’re not thoroughly cleaning the urns in between every single brew, the potential for mold, bacteria and fungus is compounded, and your fresh brewed tea is not as fresh as you think it is. Imagine filtering fresh brewed iced tea through bacteria. Would you want to drink that tea?
With Saftea® Liner, the liner not only protects the inside walls of the tea urn, but the integrated tube feeds through the pinch-tube spigot, so that the tea never comes in direct contact with the tea urn at all. When it comes to cleaning, the tedious chore of scrubbing, disassembling and reassembling is replaced by simply removing the old liner, and replacing with a new liner. Changing liners takes less than a minute, and you are back to serving fresh, safe, great tasting iced tea again.
Some other factors to consider if you haven’t tried Saftea® Liner yet:
- Money spent on cleaning chemicals
- Time spent cleaning tea urns
- Employee salaries for time spent cleaning the urns
- Water usage to clean urns
- Maintenance & replacement of tea urns that wear out
Using Saftea® Liner as part of your food safety program costs an average 75¢/day (based on 1 urn, 1 liner per day) and not only reduces the risk of harmful bacteria, but actually improves the quality and taste of your tea by ensuring clean, safe, no-chemical-aftertaste tea. With the news media bringing attention to food safety concerns, consumers are much more aware of the risks—Saftea® ensures you and your customers are drinking mold-free ice tea consistently each and every time.
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