Iced tea? Why yes, thank you!
There are two major trends happening in America right now, and they might be effecting your business without you even realizing it. The good news is, Plascon can help you in your endeavor to tackle them both.
It’s no secret that the past couple of decades have seen a major uptick in the American consumer being more contentious how their food and beverages are prepared, stored, and served. There’s a growing concern across the nation about what we are putting into our bodies, intentionally or by happenstance. While food safety has always been a concern for businesses, the consumer is becoming much more aware what is, or isn’t, being done to make sure what they are being served up isn’t more than they bargained for.
The more subtle of the trends in questions are America’s tea consumption. In the past 20 years, the US has more than QUADRUPLED the amount of tea we drink. And here in the States, we like it iced. Over 80% of the worlds iced tea is bought and consumed here and only 15% of America’s tea is served up hot. As a result of this, more and more restaurants, gas stations, and food trucks are offering iced tea as a beverage option for their patrons.

But what do these two trends have to do with Plascon? And what do they have to do with your business? That answer is simple. If you serve your customers tea, chances are you’re serving it from an urn and, if you’re offering a variety of flavors or sweetness, you’re serving it from multiple urns. Which means at least once a day, you’re draining and cleaning every urn in your business. This process is time consuming and can often times be messy. These factors can at times get this unpleasant task pushed aside and left undone. That’s no big deal, right? Wrong, and that’s where these trends go hand in hand and where Plascon can help.
In just over two hours an unlined tea urn can become a breeding ground for yeast, bacteria, and mold. Things your customers definitely didn’t order with their lunch. These organisms effect the taste of the beverage, and in some cases can cause medical concerns. Your customers and your business deserve better than that! That’s where Plascon comes in. We offer zip top sealing Saftea® urn Liners that not only make clean up a breeze, but resist the growth of fungal organisms and bacteria over an extended period of time. What that means is your product is staying fresher, tastier, and safer longer. Saftea® Liners come in a variety of sizes and ordering options. We can even evaluate your usage, through a phone consultation, and automatically ship your Saftea® Liners before you run out!
Available for purchase online in 150 count cases, or you can request your Saftea® Liner samples today!